Becka et Louis
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Tracking and Odor Detection Workshop

Groupe profs et étudiants au pistage
Photo: John Mairs


I spent a week in Guelph, Ontario, where I attended a wonderful workshop on nosework and tracking.

Jens Frank and Tobias Gustavsson are two specialist doing scent work with dogs at SWDI (Scandinavian Working Dog Institute). They work with dogs and teach police, military and other people who work with dogs around the world. After our training, they taught police dog squads from various Canadian police forces before returning home.

I had hesitated to attend this workshop because I had already attended 2 nose work clinics and a tracking course and I had studied quite a lot of books and videos on these subjects. I was not disappointed, quite the contrary. In the first half hour I was thrilled because I learned how to make my dog training more systematic, orderly, methodical, what I wanted to learn and what I did not find satisfactory information. Also I was not planning to attend the final day, which was about hard surface tracking. The professionalism of the teachers and the quality of the training made me change my mind so that I stayed an extra day in order to also attend this part of the workshop.

The event was held at Canine Academy. It is a fantastic place: country environment, magnificent vast training room, kitchen, dining room, etc.

I will have to devote a considerable amount of time to review the whole of this training and begin to put it into practice before writing a comprehensive synthesis but in the meantime, here are some elements that particularly struck me:

Dog tracking on hard surface
Photo: John Mairs


See a good hard surface tracking demonstration in Paris

Finally, I had the opportunity to buy a book they are co-authored: Tracking Dog - Scent and Skills, Lars Fält, Tobias Gustavsson, Jens Frank, Jessica Aberg, SWDI Publishing, Linderberg, 2015, 216p.
This book seems excellent. What I have read so far has already taught me a lot although I had some knowledge on the subject. I will write a review about it shortly.

Thank you Kajsa Milner Johansson for bringing them in Canada from Sweden


For more information:
The SWDI website:

Their Facebook page


Louis Cimon

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