Becka et Louis
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Science - Cognition canine


Fiset, Sylvain, Ph.D.

Hare, Brian, Ph.D.

Horowitz, Alexandra, Ph.D.

Miklósi, Ádám, Ph.D.

Wynne, Clive, Ph.D.


Sites web

Bill Roberts Animal Cognition Lab (étudie plusieurs animaux dont les chiens), voir ses publications récentes

Canine Cognition Center:

Canine Science Forum

Dog Cognition Lab

Forum international des sciences canines

The Animal Behaviour, Cognition and Welfare Research Group


Suggestions de lecture

Agid, Yves, neurologue, La subconscience, entrevue

Berms, Gregory, How Dogs Love Us: A Neuroscientist and His Adopted Dog Decode the Canine Brain

Ciccotti, Serge et Guéguen, Nicolas , Pourquoi les gens ont-ils la même tête que leur chien?

Coren, Stanley, How Dogs Think: What the World Looks Like to Them and Why They Act the Way They Do

Grandin, Temple, Penser en images

Hinzmann, Hilary and Pilley, John W., Chaser, Unlocking the Genius of the Dog Who Knows a Thousand Words

Warren, Cat, What the Dog Knows: The Science and Wonder of Working Dogs